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Documentation > MAC-PAC Technical Library > Financial > General Ledger > Programs > Debit/Credit Account Status List - Purpose

Debit/Credit Account Status List - Purpose


The Debit/Credit Account Status List program (GL760E) prints a report (GL760) listing all accounts on the Account Master file that meet the following criteria:


Account Type


Fields Tested




1 (asset) or
5 (income)


Current period amount
Year-to-date amount


Less than zero


2 (liability) or
4 (expense)


Current period amount
Year-to-date amount


Greater than zero


3 (ret earning) or
6 (suspense)




These types are always selected.

Note that both financial and statistical accounts are processed.  An account is included if it meets any one of the criteria.  For example, an asset account will be included if the current period amount is less than zero, if the year-to-date amount is less than zero, or if both amounts are less than zero.  This report is requested through the Debit/Credit Account Status menu option.  On the report request screen, the user can specify that the report should be generated for a particular company.  If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all companies.

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