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Bank Remittance Selection Print - Purpose


The Bank Remittance Selection Print program (DM520E) is a batch program that selects payments for remittance and prints the Bank Remittance Selection report (DM520A).  The report is requested from the Bank Remittance Selection Screen (DM310S01).  The program selects payments for remittance based on the following criteria:

·     The payment type of the remittance must exist in combination with the selected remittance type on Reference File category F49.

·     If  a remittance type was determined at payment point, that remittance type must be the same as the selected remittance type.

·     If the user chooses magnetic support, the payment type must allow magnetic remittance (category 344; MR=Y) and the payment currency must match the base currency of the company location.

·     Any optional selection criteria is met.

The Bank Remittance Selection report (DM520A) details payments selected for remittance for up to three banks.  The program selects payments for remittance until it meets the maximum amount allowed for each bank.  DM520E prints detail lines and subtotals for each currency type remitted to a bank.

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