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Dunning Classes, Dunning Levels, Dunning Text
Dunning Classes, Dunning Levels, Dunning Text
Each dunned customer must be assigned to a dunning class. Dunning classes are defined on Reference File category 351. In the dunning class, specify a minimum period that has to pass between two dunning runs for the same customer. You may also specify a dunning grace period, which is added to the actual due date of the customer's open item before it is subject to dunning (i.e. before it is printed on the dunning letter). The maximum number of dunning levels for the dunning class is also specified in category 351. Assign a valid dunning class to each customer via the Customer Master Maintenance Program (AR630E) in the Credit and Tax Information Screen (AR630S04).
Each open item has a dunning level that begins at 0. Once it has been checked and is found to be overdue, it is dunned and the dunning level is raised to 1. Each time the open item is found overdue the dunning level is raised. Once the dunning level exceeds the maximum number of dunning levels specified in category 351, the item is considered 'overdunned.' The highest possible dunning level is 9. In addition, all open items with a dunning level greater than 8 will appear on the Open Items Overdunned Report (AR470PF), too.
You must define text for each dunning letter by dunning class and dunning level. Dunning letter text is defined in the Dunning Text Maintenance Program (AR410E). Each letter may have up to 99 lines of text. Each line belongs to a text block. Text blocks may be printed before the open item list, after the open item list, on the header of all subsequent pages and on the bottom of each page on each letter. A text type code on each line of text determines where on the letter it will be printed. Once you have specified text for a dunning class and a dunning level, any customer to be dunned who has that dunning class and level will receive that text. The letter will contain all text specified and a list of overdue open items. For easy maintenance of text blocks, they can be copied from other dunning classes or dunning levels via the dunning text maintenance program.
When you set up a dunning letter there are several keywords that can be used to default text the letter. These keywords are:
Customer number/Company/Location. If a customer doesn't have a company or a location then they will print as blank but this entire keyword must be entered.
Last Date for Payment (dunning date + category 352 limit days)
Dunning Date (date being run)
Dunning fee (from category 352) if being charged
Page number (of dunning letter)
The Keywords That May Be Used When Setting Up a Dunning Letter.
The # signs must be put in front of and behind the keywords.