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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Distribution > Order Processing > Key Concepts and Procedures > Pricing/Discount Templates

Pricing/Discount Templates

Templates are used to accommodate complex pricing or discounting structures—those that base the applicability of a price list or discount on the specific combination of order characteristics.  To meet the requirements of these complex situations, templates have been designed to be flexible.  However, because template processing is flexible, it requires more complex maintenance procedures.  Furthermore, you should be aware that this level of complexity may impact your processing time.

Pricing/discounting templates can be applied to sales or quote order lines as a means of defaulting price lists or discounts.  They tie a price list or discount to a set of key fields which define the target range or scope of the template.  These characteristics can then be tied to a price list or discount along with specific values for the key fields, thus creating multiple template relationships.  When order characteristics match the templates' characteristics, the price lists or discount values associated with the template are retrieved.
