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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Manufacturing > Design Engineering > Screens > Bill of Material - Multi-Level Where-Used > DE920S02 - Detail

DE920S02 - Detail



WILLIAMS   PLT BEL                BILL OF MATERIAL                     3/05/93

 DSP01                          MULTI-LEVEL WHERE-USED                   DETAIL


  NOZZLE              BIKE TIRE NOZZLE                    EA                   

  Revision Level 000  Effectivity Date  3/05/93  Drawing Number                


           Parent                                   Qty      -- Effectivity ---

 Level   Part Number   Description                  Per   UM I/O   ECO   Date  

   01  MOPED           MOPED                           2. EA IN        12/31/92

                               IN ECO1234567                                   

   01  TRICYCLE        TRICYCLE                        3. EA OUT       12/31/93

                                              OUT 0000000001                   

   01  BIKETIRE        BIKE TIRE                       1. EA IN         1/06/93

                               IN JRCIN       OUT JRCOUT     OUT       12/30/93








 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F9=Maintenance                        





This screen displays the indented where-used information for the part entered on the Function Select screen.

o Parents are organized by product structure.

o The screen displays parents in effect on the specified date or for the specified revision level.

o Depending on what was entered in the HIGHEST LEVEL ONLY field on the Function Select screen, the screen displays either parents at all levels or end products only.

o If a drawing number has been entered for the component part, the number is displayed at the top of the screen.  The drawing number cross-references the engineering document that details the design of the component.


Display only.  The plant where the parent parts are manufactured.


Display only.  The component used to make each of the displayed parent items.  The part number is reverse-imaged if it is anything other than Active or Marked for Deletion.


Display only.  This is the part's stockkeeping unit of measure.  It is retrieved from the Part Master File.


Display only.  Only parents having the component in effect for this revision level are displayed.


Display only.  Only parents having the component in effect on this date are  displayed.


Display only.  A cross-reference to an engineering drawing associated with the component.  It is defined on the component's Part Master File record.


Display only.  The level where the parent uses the component.  If the component is used directly to make the parent, the parent has level 1; immediate parents of level 1 parts have level 2; etc.  The level is reverse-imaged if the part number is anything other than Active or Marked for Deletion.


Display only.  The unique number used to identify the parent on all screens and in the Part Master File.  The parent part number is reverse-imaged if the part number is anything other than Active or Marked for Deletion.


Display only.  The description stored on the Part Master File for the parent part.  The description is reverse-imaged if the part number is anything other than Active or Marked for Deletion.


Display only.  The amount of the component that is required to make one batch size of the parent part.  The quantity per is reverse-imaged if the part number is anything other than Active or Marked for Deletion.


Display only.  The parent part's stockkeeping unit of measure.  The unit of measure is reverse-imaged if the part number is anything other than Active or Marked for Deletion.


Display only.  Valid values are:

I - In-effectivity information

O - Out-effectivity information

The effectivity I/O is reverse-imaged if the part number is anything other than Active or Marked for Deletion.


Display only.  The engineering change order used to bring the component into or out of effect for this parent.  The effectivity ECO is reverse-imaged if the part number is anything other than Active or Marked for Deletion.


Display only.  The date on which the component is brought into or out of effect for this parent.  The effectivity date is reverse-imaged if the part number is anything other than Active or Marked for Deletion.


Enter - Return to Function Select screen.

F2    - Display a window where a fast path option or mnemonic can be entered.  Fast path allows the next menu selection to be made directly from this screen.  When the window is displayed, pressing F3 will remove it.

F3    - Display the Design Engineering Application Menu.

F9    - Switch to Product Structure Maintenance screen.