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Accounts Receivable



The main step that needs to be done for the Accounts Receivable module is to clear out the current year-to-date sales field and reset it to zero for the new year.  Please note that the following steps must be done on the date that you wish to clear out the current year-to-date sales amounts fields and transfer the year-ending sales amount to the last year.  The program will move the amount in the current year-to-date sales field for the year you are ending to the previous year-to-date sales field, and will then set the current year-to-date sales amount to zero to begin the new year's YTD sales totaling.  It will take the amount that is in that current year-to-date sales field at the point where you run the program, so timing is important.  Remember that shipping through Order Processing affects that year-to-date sales amount, so this will need to be taken into account when timing the running of the program.

1.   The user must set the Zero YTD Sales field on Reference File category P43 to Y in order to roll the year-to-date sales total into the previous year-to-date sales field at year end.

2.   The year-to-date totals are then reset when the Data Base Audit Program (AR770P) is run for the first time in period one.  The year-to-date sales fields on the Customer Master File are rolled into last year fields.  Year-to-date fields are then set to zero. The Data Base Audit Program will move the amount in the current year-to-date sales field to the previous year-to-date sales field on the date that you run the program.

3.   After the Data Base Audit program has been run, the user must reset the Zero YTD Sales field to N.

Note:    If you validate the earliest and latest valid accounting dates on Reference File category 336, then you may need to update these dates to reflect valid dates for the new year.  This must be done for each company/location that contains a record on category 336.