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GL250S01 - Translation Request - Function Select



WILLIAMS                        GENERAL LEDGER                         2/27/95

 DSP01                       TRANSLATION  REQUEST                    SELECTION



  Report Date     JANUARY 1, 1995                                              



  Opt   Cur   Gp  Co   Loc          Company/Location Name            Act  Ty   


                  001  BER  ANDERSEN SOFTWARE - BERLIN                N    N   

                  001  BRU  ANDERSEN SOFTWARE - BRUSSELS              N    N   

   X    TRN       001  ITL  ANDERSEN SOFTWARE - ITALY                 N    R   

        TRN       001  WEN  ANDERSEN SOFTWARE - WIEN                  N    R   

                  002  WAS  ANDERSEN SOFTWARE - WASHINGTON            N    N   

        TRN       007  BRU  ANDERSEN PC SOFTWARE - BRUSSELS           N    R   







 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F4=Prompt           F9=Curr Rate Inq  




This screen is used to request translations.  Translations may be requested at the global, group, company, or company location level.  The desired entity must be selected with an 'X'; the target currency, the reporting date, an action code, and the type of processing desired must all be provided.  All translation jobs are submitted in batch mode, as online processing would increase user response time and reduce system performance.

Validation is performed on each of the required inputs to the program.  Detailed validation is included with each of the variable descriptions below.

Default values are provided for target currency, action code, and processing type on the translation of the reference file.

The Translation Request can be printed using a 132- or 198-character-wide format depending on the entries on Reference File category 025.


Required.  This field contains the date that will appear on the translation reports.  This field is descriptive only, and will not affect the records selected for processing.  If this field is not provided, an error message will be issued.


Optional.  This field is used to select translation requests.  If an 'X' is provided, the translation request will be processed.  If the field is blank, it will be skipped.  All other characters will result in an error message being issued.


Optional.  This field contains the target currency for the translation request.  This field is required for each translation request selected from the list.  Currency validation is performed for each request, and differs based on the level (global/group/company/location) of the request.  For company location, the target currency must exist on the currency master file for the company location in order to be valid.  For company, the currency must be valid for each location within the company.  For group, the currency must be valid for each company within the group.  For global, the currency must be valid for each group.  For global and group validation, the group definition category on the reference file is used to get company locations.  Any invalid currency will result in an error message being issued.


Display only.  This field displays a two-position code used to define a group of companies.  The group is defined as one reporting entity to the system.


Display only.  This field specifies the company for which the translation will be processed.  The company is defined as a group of company locations and is one reporting entity to the system.


Display only.  This field displays the location for which translation will occur.  The location field is a three position alphanumeric field.


Display only.  This field contains the name of each entity available or translation.


Optional.  This field is used to define the type of translation desired, normal translation or adjustment translation.  A value is defaulted to this field from the reference file.  The valid values for this field are:

N - Normal Translation

A - Adjustment translation


Optional.  This field is used to define the type of translation processing, either reports only or normal translation.  A value is defaulted to this field from the reference file.


F2    - Display a window where a fast path option or mnemonic can be entered.  Fast path allows the next menu selection to be made directly from this screen.  When the window is displayed, pressing F3 will remove it.

F3    - Exit program without processing the entered data.

F4    - Display a list of values for the field where the cursor is positioned.  If you select one of the items from the list, it will be returned to the application screen.

F9    - Used to call the Currency Rate Inquiry program.