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Forecast Report



                                                                                       ANDERSEN SOFTWARE

DATE    2/03/93                                                                                                                                                                               PAGE   1

                                                                                   INCOME STATEMENT FOR PERIOD 10

TIME   09:24:29                                                                                                                                                                                 FISCAL


                                                                                   MONTH ENDING  FEBRUARY 3, 1993                                                                              (000'S)



                                                                                                  FAV/UNFAV-U                          BUDGET TO                         FORECAST FOR

                                                               NET AMOUNT                          VS BUDGET                           YEAR END                            YEAR END

                                                         ----------------------              ---------------------              ----------------------              ----------------------

              001 BER 4SALES                F                           2,362-                              2,362-                                 0

              001 BER 4SALES                S                               0                                   0                                  0

         SALES..................................                        2,362CR                             2,362                                  0                               2,362CR

              001 BER 5COS                  F                           1,306                               1,306                                  0

              001 BER 5COS                  S                               0                                   0                                  0

                                                         ______________________              _____________________              ______________________              ______________________

         COST OF SALES..........................                        1,306                               1,306U                                 0                               1,306

                                                         ______________________              _____________________              ______________________              ______________________

             GROSS PROFIT.......................                        1,056CR                             1,056                                  0                               1,056CR

              001 BER 5SEXP                 F                             215                                 215                                  0

              001 BER 5SEXP                 S                               0                                   0                                  0

             SELLING EXPENSES...................                          215                                 215U                                 0                                 215

              001 BER 5ADEXP                F                             146                                 146                                  0

              001 BER 5ADEXP                S                               0                                   0                                  0

             ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES............                          146                                 146U                                 0                                 146

              001 BER 5AMOR                 F                              26                                  26                                  0

              001 BER 5AMOR                 S                               0                                   0                                  0

             AMORTIZATION OF PREPAID EXPENSES...                           26                                  26U                                 0                                  26

              001 BER 5DEP                  F                              12                                  12                                  0

              001 BER 5DEP                  S                               0                                   0                                  0

             DEPRECIATION.......................                           12                                  12U                                 0                                  12

              001 BER 5LOSS                 F                               1                                   1                                  0

              001 BER 5LOSS                 S                               0                                   0                                  0

             LOSS ON SALE OF EQUIPMENT..........                            1                                   1U                                 0                                   1

              001 BER 5INTEXP               F                              34                                  34                                  0

              001 BER 5INTEXP               S                               0                                   0                                  0

             INTEREST EXPENSE...................                           34                                  34U                                 0                                  34

              001 BER 5EXLOSS               F                              29                                  29                                  0

              001 BER 5EXLOSS               S                               0                                   0                                  0

                                                         ______________________              _____________________              ______________________              ______________________

             EXCHANGE LOSS......................                           29                                  29U                                 0                                  29

                                                         ______________________              _____________________              ______________________              ______________________

                     TOTAL......................                          463                                 463U                                 0                                 463

                                                         ______________________              _____________________              ______________________              ______________________

         INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX...............                            0                                   0                                  0                                   0

              001 BER 5IT                   F                             275                                 275                                  0

              001 BER 5IT                   S                               0                                   0                                  0

         PROVISION FOR INCOME TAX...............

             CURRENT............................                          275                                 275U                                 0                                 275

              001 BER 5DIT                  F                              11                                  11                                  0

              001 BER 5DIT                  S                               0                                   0                                  0

                                                         ______________________              _____________________              ______________________              ______________________

             DEFERRED...........................                           11                                  11U                                 0                                  11

                                                         ______________________              _____________________              ______________________              ______________________

                     TOTAL......................                          307CR                               307                                  0                                 307CR

              001 BER 5DIV                  F                             172-                                172-                                 0

              001 BER 5DIV                  S                               0                                   0                                  0

              001 BER 9999999999            F                               0                                   0                                  0

              001 BER 9999999999            S                               0                                   0                                  0


                                                         ______________________              _____________________              ______________________              ______________________

             DIVIDENDS & EXCEPTIONAL INCOME.....                          172CR                               172                                  0                                 172CR

                                                         ______________________              _____________________              ______________________              ______________________

                     TOTAL......................                          172CR                               172                                  0                                 172CR

                                                         ______________________              _____________________              ______________________              ______________________

         NET INCOME.............................                          479CR                               479                                  0                                 479CR


This report provides a forecast of the requested year-end results of operations.  Forecast amounts are derived by adding year-to-date revenue and expense data to amounts budgeted for the remainder of the year.  Headings, line descriptions, and Financial Statement records used on standard Financial Statements are used to prepare this report. 

This report can be printed in either a 132- or 198-character-wide format.  The default entry on category 025 determines which format is chosen unless an exception record is set up.  To produce an exception record for this report, set up the following record on category 025 with the program name and desired printer attribute.


Program Name


Printer Attribute



1 - 132-character format



2 - 198-character format

Note:  If GL370L is set up as an exception, GL300E and GL310L must also be set up as exception records with the same printer attribute.

For more information, see the Overview section of the Common Features User Manual.

Report Sequence

None (one report per entity).