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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Financials > General Ledger > Key Concepts and Procedures > Budget Preparation and Maintenance > Budget Preparation and Maintenance

Budget Preparation and Maintenance


To define a budget year and sequence for a location, add a budget sequence table (category 110) record for the budget to the Reference File.  This record identifies the budget year and sequence description listed on system screens and reports, and the budget freeze code used to determine whether the budget can be maintained.  A budget sequence table record must be set up for each location to define a budget year and sequence for which the location will enter data.

The Budget Master File Maintenance Conversation is used to prepare and maintain budget amounts.  The conversation supports two types of budget maintenance.  High volume mass maintenance is usually performed at the start of the budgeting process to generate preliminary, first-pass budget values that will be reviewed and refined.  Individual account maintenance is performed during more detailed budget processing.