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OP310S12 - Picker Document Release Detail



WILLIAMS   CO  001            ORDER PROCESSING                         5/01/94

 DSP01      WHS BEL         PICKER DOCUMENT RELEASE                     DETAIL 



 Ship-to Customer  C01         001 BRU  Bill-to Customer                       



   Shp Date Order Num/Shp S Load Number Ship-to-Cst SVia Carrier  Ship Zone  BF

 A 05/03/94 025024 00 001 O             C01         S1   CARRIER1 CALIFORNIA  Y

 A 05/03/94 025026 00 001 R             C01         S1   CARRIER1 CALIFORNIA  Y

 A 05/03/94 002100 00 003 R             C01         S1                        Y

 B 05/04/94 002103 00 002 R             C01         S1                        Y

 B 05/04/94 002103 00 003 R             C01         S1                        Y

 B 05/04/94 002668 01 001 O             C01         S1                        Y

 B 05/04/94 002929 01 001 O             C01         S1                        Y

 C 05/05/94 003044 03 001 O             C01         S1                        Y

 C 05/05/94 L00010 00 001 O             C01         S1                        Y

 C 05/05/93 PK0001 00 001 O             C01         S1                        Y



 D - Detail   P - Reprint Picker Batch  S - Reprint Order Shipment             

 F2=Command          F3=Exit             F5=Picker Defaults  F10=Select        

 F15=Rekey Data      F22=End Transaction                                       


This screen allows you to perform the following functions:

o  Group order shipments on a single picker

o  Reprint entire pickers or pickers for individual order shipments

o  View picker details for a shipment

To group order shipments, enter a specific character in the Select field for each shipment to be included on a picker batch.  For example, enter an A for all shipments to be included in one picker batch, B for all shipments included in another picker batch, and C for all shipment to be included in a third picker batch.  Any character except P, S, and D can be used to group order shipments.

To reprint a picker, enter P in the Select field of an order shipment that has its Batch Flag set to Y and press Enter.  The picker printed will include all order shipments included in the batch.

To reprint a picker for an individual order shipment, enter S in the Select field of an order shipment that has its Batch Flag set to Y and press Enter.  The picker printed will include only the order shipment selected.

To view detail picker information for an order shipment, enter D in the Select field of an order shipment and press Enter.


Display only.  This field specifies the ship-to customer, if entered, on the Picker Document Release Select screen.


Display only. This field indicates the company/location for the Ship-to Customer.


Display only.  This field specifies the bill-to customer, if entered, on the Picker Document Release Select screen.


Display only. This field indicates the company/location for the Bill-to Customer.


Display only.  These fields specify the range of load numbers, if entered, on the Picker Document Release Select screen.


Display only.  This field specifies a carrier, if entered, on the Picker Document Release Select screen.


Display only.  This field specifies a route, if entered, on the Picker Document Release Select screen.


Display only.  This field specifies the picker batch job, if entered, on the Picker Document Release Select screen.


Optional.  This field is used to select order shipments for processing.  The following values can be entered:

Any character except D, P, S to group order shipments on a picker batch

P - reprint the picker batch for all order shipments in the batch

S - reprint the picker batch for only the order shipment selected

D - view detailed picker information


Display only.  This field specifies the scheduled ship date for the order shipment.


Display only.  This field identifies the order shipment.


Display only.  This field identifies the order shipment status for the shipment.  Valid values on Reference File category G96 are:

O - Open

R - Released

C - Confirmed


Display only.  This field identifies the load to which the order shipment is assigned.


Display only.  This field identifies the ship-to customer for the order shipment.


Display only.  This field identifies the shipping method for the order shipment.


Display only.  This field identifies the carrier that will transport the order shipment.


Display only.  This field identifies a geographic area associated with the customer into which the shipment will be shipped.


Display only.  This field indicates if the shipment has been assigned to a picker batch.  Valid values are:

Y (yes) - The order shipment is assigned.

N (no) - The order shipment is not assigned.


Enter - Process request.

F2    - Display a window where a fast path option or mnemonic can be entered.  Fast path allows the next menu selection to be made directly from this screen.  When the window is displayed, pressing F3 will remove it.

F3    - Exit program and return to menu.

F5    - Display the Picker Default window for the warehouse.

F10   - Display the Picker Document Release Select screen.

F15   - Clear the values entered on the screen.

F22   - End the transaction.