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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Distribution > Order Processing > Key Concepts and Procedures > Order Information > Line Status

Line Status


The Sales Order Line Status indicates the life cycle status of a sales order line.  It is used by various functions throughout Order Processing.

The Sales Order Line Status can have one of four values:

O - Open.  This indicates that the sales order line was entered but has not been printed on a picking document.

R - Released.  This indicates that the sales order line was printed on a picking document.

T - Partially Shipped.  This indicates that the sales order line was only partially shipped.  When this occurs, the amount not shipped is placed on backorder.

C - Closed.  This indicates that the sales order line was either fully shipped or canceled.


When a line is released, the reserved or released quantity may not be changed.  If a user wishes to add more of a particular item to a sales order and that item's line is closed, a new sales order line must be added to the order.

To ship the remaining quantities on a sales order line that is partially shipped, a backorder release must be created for that line.