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Documentation > MAC-PAC Reference Library > Distribution > Order Processing > Key Concepts and Procedures > Order Entry > Order Copy

Order Copy


To speed the order entry process, you can copy information from either a quote order, a standing order, an existing sales order, or sales history when entering new orders.  An order can be copied into any of the order types.  For example, a quote can be copied to a quote, to a sales order, or to a standing order.

The order copy function will be available at the Sales or Quote Order Maintenance Function Select, Single-Line, and Multi-Line entry screens.  By pressing F8 - Order Copy, the Order Copy Prompt window will be displayed (see the figure  below).



:                          ORDER COPY PROMPT                                  :

:                                                                             :

:    Copy from Quote/Sales Order (Q/S)  Q  0000001                          :

:      or                                                                     :

:    Copy from History using cutoff date  0/00/00                             :

:                                                                             :

:    Copy All Lines     N       Copy Comments       N                         :

:                                                                             :

:    Copy Prices        N       Display Options     N                         :

:                                                                             :

:    Copy Dates         N                                                     :

:                                                                             :

:                                                                             :

:                                                                             :

: F3=Exit             F4=Prompt                                               :

:                                                                             :

:                                                                             :


                   Order Copy Prompt Window.


The fields on this window above will be used for standing orders, existing orders, and sales history information.

You can choose whether to enter a sales order or quote order in the window.  If a standing order was specified on the Customer Master file for the customer, it will be defaulted to the Order Copy Prompt window.  You can override this number when you perform the copy.  If the default order number is invalid, you will receive a message during order copy.  The standing order may be used to create a template or a profile of frequently order items for a customer.  If you don't enter a sales order or quote order on the window, then you must enter a cutoff date in the Copy From History using Cutoff Date field.  By entering a date in this field, you can copy an order based on historical sales data.

The following options will be available on the Order Copy Prompt window:

·     Copy All Lines

·     Copy Comments

·     Copy Prices

·     Display Options

·     Copy Dates

Copy All Lines

If you specified 'N' for the Copy All Lines option, the Order Copy List window will be displayed.  This list will display all of the lines for the selected order or quote and you can select the lines to be copied.  If you specified a date in the Copy From History field, the list will display the most recently ordered line for each part that the customer has ordered since the cutoff date.  In addition to parts and quantities, the list screen will also show bases prices and inventory availability at the designated sourcing warehouse.  You will be able to change the line item quantities in this window.  This field must be 'N' if the Copy From History field is specified.

Copy Comments

You may choose to copy comments and message codes from one order to another.  If you specify 'Y' in this field, then comments will be copied over to the new order.  If you specify 'N, then comments will not be copied into the new order.  Your options to copy comments will depend on the screen that is displayed during the copy.  If you are on the Function Select screen and are copying comments for a specific order, then header and line comments for that order will be copied.  If you are on the Function Select screen and are copying an order using the history cutoff date, then only the line comments for the selected lines will be copied.  If you are on a line screen (multi-line or single line), then the only line comments will be copied.

Copy Prices

In order copy, if you are copying from specific sales orders or quote orders or from history, and you specify 'Y in the Copy Price field, then the following information will be copied at each level:

Header Level

·     Header discount codes

·     Pricing dates

·     Volume discount codes

·     Customer discount percentage

Note:    You will only receive header level information if you are copying from a specific order from the Function Select screen.

Line Level

·     Line base price

·     Firm price flag

·     Pricing unit of measure

·     Pricing date

At the line level, the base price from the existing order will be copied to the base price of the new order.  The price will be regenerated using the discounts from the copied order and the unit price will be calculated.  The unit price will be considered manually priced (6), unless the order being copied consisted of a price code of 7, 8, or 9.  In that case, the price code will be copied across the order.  For example, if you copy from an order with a price code of 2, then the new order will be considered manually priced (6).  However, if you copy from an order with a price code of 8, then the price code will be copied to the new order.

 If you specify 'N' in the Copy Prices field, then the unit price will be left blank on the Multi-Line screen and the pricing routine will determine the price.  If the currency code of the order being created and the line being copied is not the same, then prices will not be copied across.  In the case where the customer is a multi-currency customer, then you will be able to change the currency only after the lines to be copied have been selected.

Display Options

You will be able to copy orders that have configured lines.  From the Order Copy Prompt window, if you specify 'Y' in the Display Options field, the configured screens will be displayed with the options defaulted in.  If you specify 'N' in this field, then the order will be sent through the configurator without displaying any screens.

Copy Dates

You will be able to copy the shipping dates from the original order or quote to the newly created order.  The shipping dates include the requested dock date, required ship date, promised ship date, and expected receipt date.  If the Copy Dates field is set to Y-Yes, the shipping dates are copies to the new order at both the header and line level